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Join Bailey as he goes on adventures with his friends and family!

Click a round picture to demo the story, activities, and coloring pages.

Print Coloring Pages for free at end of each demo below.

Bailey's Adventure Stories  

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Bailey and Roo 

Meet Bailey, Roo and Popi in this first adventure story. 

Bailey asks Roo to tell stories about when Roo and Popi brought him home the first time and how he got his name.



Bailey pretends to be a cowboy and rides with his friend Diego - the horse.

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Adventure Box 

Roo orders an  'Adventure Box’ for Bailey.  Now, Bailey has a place to keep his toys.

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Long John


Bailey is a pirate with his best friend, Oreo.  Oreo is his first mate, and they sail the oceans of the world.




Bailey pretends to be an ‘inspector’ as he solves the mystery of his friend Peanut.

All Bailey’s friends join in the search.  Together,they meet a new and interesting creature and solve the mystery.



Bailey & his Friends

Bailey pretends to be an ‘astronaut’ as he flies his friends to space.

Bailey and his friends fly to space in a rocket.  They see the Moon and Mars on their journey.


Bailey and the
Snowman Parade

Bailey builds his own Snowman!

Join Bailey on this exciting adventure as he builds a snowman and goes on a snowman parade with his friends!

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Bailey drives his 


Go with Bailey and his new friends to the top of the mountains in his Run-a-Doodle!

Captain Bailey and his Airplane UNDER CO

Captain Bailey
His Airplane

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Fly up, up, and away with Bailey and his friends!

Bailey's Bible Stories  

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Bailey & 

The Blind Man

Roo tells Bailey the story of The Blind Man.

The Blind Man goes to see Jesus in the village.  Jesus heals the man so he can see!

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Bailey & 

The Ark

Popi tells the story of Noah and The Ark to Bailey.  In the story, God tells Noah to build an Ark, and put all animals in it to save them.


Bailey & 

The Boy's Lunch

The Boy offers his lunch to Jesus.  With this lunch, Jesus performs a miracle to feed five-thousand people!

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